Flyleaf Update 2.2
Free Download for iPhone, iPad and Mac While preparing the just-released 2.2.2 update for Flyleaf, my read-later app for iOS and macOS, I was reminded that I didn’t write anything here about any of the 2.2 patches. So let’s do that now. Flyleaf 2.2.0 The main reason I pushed out…My Neighbor Totoro

Nordseestrand #1

Flyleaf Update 2.1
Hot off the presses, today I pushed the button to release Flyleaf 2.1. This release gave me a lot of headaches, mostly caused by haphazard changes and bugs introduced by Apple with iOS 18 and macOS 15. With 2.1, I think I am at a point where Flyleaf is as…Flyleaf Update 2.0
Today I finally published the big Flyleaf 2.0 update! Pretty much every part of the app has been touched in some way, so there is lots of new stuff. Flyleaf is my “read-later” app that displays saved articles from the web in a meticulously designed reading view, without popups, ads…Schlendern in Stralsund

Apptisan #015: Flyleaf
I was graciously invited to write about my read-it-later app Flyleaf on Apptisan, a chinese newsletter about indie software: I originally studied theology at university in Germany. But I shifted to software development when I figured out that this is a more reliable way to feed a family. By day,…Flyleaf Update 1.1
The 1.1 update of my read-later app Flyleaf is now live on the iOS and macOS AppStore. It includes some nice quality-of-life improvements, so make sure to grab it! New Stuff Add PDFs to parse the contents and show them in the Flyleaf reading view An “unread article count” badge…Creativerly: Read articles like books – with Flyleaf
Thanks to Philipp Temmel at creativerly for writing up this thorough deep-dive on my new app Flyleaf. It’s a very generous summary of the feature set of the initial version of Flyleaf: Flyleaf is a fully native read-it-later app for iPhone, iPad, and macOS, that gives you the possibility to…MacGeneration: Une nouvelle app de lecture différée affichant les articles en colonnes
I was very happy to learn hat the first media appearance of my new app Flyleaf was in the french publication MacGeneration, in a short review by Félix Cattafesta. I appreciate that it’s an honest review which also points out some issues. But at the same time they also understood…Why I built my own read-later app
The first iOS device I ever owned was an iPod touch, 2. Generation. I absolutely loved that thing. The first ever app I remember buying with it was “Instapaper” by indie developer Marco Arment. Instapaper was an app for saving interesting web pages to read later when offline. Even back…Introducing Flyleaf, a “read later” app for iOS and macOS
I built a new app. I’s called Flyleaf, and it’s a “read later” app for iPhone, iPad and macOS. You can learn more on the Flyleaf website. The app is currently in open beta and I would love for you to check it out and give me feedback. The reception…Saint-Roman-de-Malegarde #2

An der Eygues

Karl-Heine-Kanal #1

Saint-Roman-de-Malegarde #1


Denkendes Kind

Katze im Schnee (Rivo Study)

Red One Standing By

Driftless Area #2 (Musil study)
Mutter mit Kind

Lilienstein im Herbst

Notre Dame (Chamberlain study)

Greetings from France
Every now and then, I get contacted by someone who wants to use my old Star Wars Posters for some kind of cool project. I like that, to have created something that people find cool and useful. Last time, a guy from Siberia literally papered their wall with one of…Lady Agnew of Lochnaw

Feld in Wernershausen #3

Richard Starkey

Feld in Wernershausen #2

Feld in Wernershausen #1

Mädchen und Tränendes Herz

Stillleben mit Sonnenblumen und Klebstofffläschchen

Lone Wolf & Cub

Boote am Pier

Pont de Nyons


Skizze Ostseestrand

Selbstportrait #1

Zypresse in Südfrankreich

Captain Jean-Luc Picard



Unter den Argonath

Lago Di Garda (Foggia study)

Blick auf den Rathausturm von Wolfratshausen

Stillleben-Studie (Claesz study)

Alpenlandschaft im Salzburger Land

Ponta de São Lourenço

Blick von der Nürnberger Maxbrücke

China Cove (Youngquist study)

Bremsdorfer Mühle

Landschaft in der Nähe von Meißen

Breath of the Wild

Big Ship (Dawson study)

Day 3 – Land

Mountain Stream (Hill study)

Detail einer Altstadt im Süden Frankreichs

Driftless Area (Musil study)

Einfacher Nachthimmel

The UX of LEGO Interface Panels
Again, something thats right up my alley, combining two of my favourite things: UX design, and LEGO. Interface designer George Cave does an in-depth analysis of 52 different lego instrument panel bricks: At a glance, the variety of these designs can be overwhelming, but it’s clear that some of these…Altes Herrenhaus in der Nähe von Innsbruck, Österreich

Northwest Waterfall (Hankins study)

The code I’m still ashamed of
This post by Bill Sourour bringing together code and ethics really resonated for me. He describes working as a software developer and doing some ruthless marketing for a questionable medical drug targeted at teenage girls: Nothing that we were doing was illegal. As the youngest developer on my team, I…Birken im Herbst